Dear Friends,
In spite of the unexpected snowy Wisconsin conditions, construction continues on Ishwar Ji’s dera Meeting Hall.
This week, workers poured another 47 cubic yards of concrete for half of the foundation walls. The second half will be poured as soon as the weather warms up next week.
You can see the building site live on ISHA’s DeraCam. Go to the ISHA website to watch:
Here, the concrete footings are ready to support the forms to be built for the foundation walls.
Workers have now erected the reinforced wooden forms that will hold the walls.
Snow began lightly falling as the pumper truck and the cement trucks arrived.
One of the concrete guys balances above while filling the forms with pumped concrete.
Pumping the concrete allows the workmen to fill the forms quickly and efficiently.
After the forms are filled, the upper surface is troweled to a smooth finish.
The next day, the crew begins to remove the forms, revealing the foundation of Ishwar’s dera Meeting Hall!
By the end of the day, the west and north sides of the building have walls. The east and south walls will be poured next.
A panoramic view of the wall and the footing below the wall.
To offer seva for Ishwar’s project, please visit
To learn more about the Meeting Hall, check out the dera website at
Any questions related to Ishwar’s dera can be directed to Jagannath’s email at
With warmest regards,
Paul Bauer
ISHA Dera Building Committee