
On December 23rd 2020, our beloved Master and Eternal Friend, Ishwar Puri Ji, left his physical body to be reunited with His Loving Master – Great Master, Hazur Maharaj Baba Sawan Singh Ji – in his eternal home.

His last loving instructions to us were to look for Him on the inside. He is waiting there with open arms and Pure Love. The body was not the Real Form. He is still with us.

ISHA, at some point in the future, will hold a celebration of Ishwar Ji’s life and have a loving remembrance. If you wish to be informed, please join the ISHA mailing list using the form at the bottom of this page.

The Master and His Love are inside us. Always. That connection can never be broken.

Ishwar Puri is the founder and principal speaker for the Institute for the Study of Human Awareness. For more than forty years he has conducted lectures, workshops, and other events on the nature of consciousness and human awareness. His lectures and teachings have been recorded and transcribed into numerous books and other materials. Each of his many lecture presentations is founded upon his own unique experience and he expresses himself with humility and love as his guide. His broad range of lecture topics include science, art, religion, philosophy, human relations, education, health, human awareness, and consciousness.

Ishwar Puri attended Harvard University prior to retiring from service with the Government Services of India. He later established citizenship in the United States of America. He continues to serve as a consultant, board chairman, and senior advisor to a number of corporations worldwide.

Ishwar Puri is a devoted disciple of the Great Master Hazur Sawan Singh Ji. The Institute for the Study of Human Awareness provides a venue by which Ishwar Puri can carry on his work by way of speaking engagements and the dissemination of educational materials.