#141 – October 3, 2022 — Construction Begins on Dera Meeting Hall!

Dear Friends,
The ISHA Dera Building Committee has exciting news. ISHA has signed a contract with a General Contractor who will begin construction of Ishwar Ji’s Meeting Hall in Wisconsin within the next week!
Phase 1A will involve completion of the concrete and steel footings and foundation that will hold up the exterior walls of the 17,000 square foot building. The work is scheduled to begin this week and to be completed in early November.
Phase 1B is scheduled for the spring of 2023, and will include pouring the concrete footings and piers for the columns that are located inside the building, and erecting the steel structure, roof, and dome.
Volunteers have installed a live-streaming camera on the Hill building site, and so you can watch the progress from afar. Click here for the DeraCam webpage: https://dera.ishanews.org/current_weather_and_deracam/
View of the Meeting Hall building site on ISHA Hill.
Phase 1A involves constructing the concrete footings and foundation wall. It is critical that these are built properly, as the weight of the building rests on the concrete base.  Over the next 6 weeks, the contractor will be digging trenches, installing rebar, building concrete forms, pouring concrete, waterproofing and insulating the walls, installing drain tiles, and backfilling the trenches. And you can watch it all on the DeraCam!
An architectural rendering of the finished dera Meeting Hall. Note that the building colors shown are not the final colors.
Check out the new dera website at https://dera.ishanews.org to learn more about ISHA’s plans for building the dera Meeting Hall.
Any questions related to Ishwar’s dera can be directed to Jagannath at chairman@ishanews.org.
With warmest regards,
Paul Bauer
ISHA Dera Building Committee