Dear Friends,
Last weekend, with an abundance of love and devotion, eager volunteers harvested prashad potatoes from Ishwar’s dera garden in Bruce, Wisconsin.

The potato-plucking party was ably assisted by “Shanti” the dera puppy, who has a nose for buried treats!

The spud-spaders were rewarded with a treasure-trove of tremendous tubers beneath each plant.

Happy sevadars display tomorrow’s lunch … either baked potatoes, or potato stew, or mashed potatoes, or twice-baked potatoes, or boiled potatoes, or roasted potatoes, or hash-brown potatoes, or potato soup, or potato salad, or “Who Cares!” potatoes!

Shanti, the tater-turning canine, was delighted by the opportunity for dirt seva!

ISHA’s chairman, Jagannath, displays a prize-winning tuber.

After the spuds have cured in the garage, they will be enjoyed by the local sangat for many months.

With warmest regards,
Paul Bauer
ISHA Dera Building Committee
Any questions related to Ishwar Ji’s dera project can be directed to Jagannath at
Information on making donations can be found on the ISHA Seva webpage: