Dear Friends,
The volunteer gardeners at the ISHA dera site in Wisconsin cultivated three varieties of corn and eight varieties of tomatoes. All of which were grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.
Sweet Corn varieties: Bodacious; Montauk; Temptress
Tomato varieties: Belgium; Celebrity; Mountain Magic; Pruden’s Purple; Valencia; Sunsugar Yellow Cherry; Roma; Blue Beech
“A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.” — Anne Bronte
Known as “maize” in most countries, corn was first domesticated by native farmers in southern Mexico about 9,000 years ago. The large-scale cultivation of corn in eastern North America occurred over 1000 years ago, when indigenous people cleared forests and grasslands for their important new crop.
In addition to the exquisite taste of our garden-fresh sweet corn prashad, the Wisconsin sevadars benefited from its high nutritional value, including B vitamins, thiamin, niacin, folate, fiber, magnesium, and phosphorous.
“Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes
What’d life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can’t buy
That’s true love & home grown tomatoes” — John Denver
What’d life be without homegrown tomatoes
Only two things that money can’t buy
That’s true love & home grown tomatoes” — John Denver
Tomatoes are a fruit — the edible berries of the tomato plant. The ISHA garden elves grew some large fruit, in great part due to the glorious compost that was added to the garden soil in early 2019. This 2-pound ISHA Belgium tomato is impressive, although the world record heaviest tomato, grown in New York in 2019, was 9 pounds 10.4 ounces. Maybe next year ….
One daily harvest!
The chefs included generous portions of corn and tomatoes in sevadar lunches …
With plenty left over for juicing …
And lots cooked down for canned spaghetti sauce!
Corn & Tomato Sautee, with Basil
• 1 cup fresh corn
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 2 cups fresh diced tomatoes
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon pepper
• Fresh sliced basil leaves
In a skillet, sauté corn in oil. Stir in tomatoes, salt, pepper. Cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat; sprinkle with basil.
In the next blog, squash and potato prashad!
With warmest regards,
Paul Bauer
ISHA Building Committee
Paul Bauer
ISHA Building Committee