Ishwar Ji’s 2019 Travel Review
Hello friends of Ishwar Ji,
Happy New Year to all.
We’re looking back at 2019 and sharing with you the places Ishwar Ji traveled in the world. Your generous donations to the ISHA Unrestricted Fund (formerly, the General Fund) allowed Ishwar Ji to travel to twelve cities in seven countries on four continents and speak to thousands of people who wanted to hear teachings on meditation and spiritual matters.
Ishwar Ji started the year in Austin, Texas with a public program following the Texas Intensive Meditation Retreat (“IMR”). He traveled to Europe in the Spring and went to the southern hemisphere – during winter there – for another IMR in Auckland and two public programs: one in Australia before the IMR and another in New Zealand after. Ishwar Ji ended the year with four programs in India: Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, and Bangalore.
Ishwar Ji traveled to the following places in 2019:
- Austin, Texas
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Kaunas, Lithuania
- London, England
- Menomonie, WI
- Gold Coast, Australia
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Christchurch, New Zealand
- Delhi, India
- Mumbai, India
- Pune, India
- Bangalore, India
- Dubai, UAE
- Tampa, Florida
- Chicago, Illinois
Ishwar Ji said that 2020 will be a year of perfect vision.

So, let’s use that vision to look at a few of the highlights from Ishwar Ji’s travels from 2019.

Ishwar Ji went Down Under and spoke with our friends in Brisbane, Australia; Auckland, New Zealand; and Christchurch, New Zealand.
Ishwar Ji spent time speaking to our friends in India in four different cities.
- Bangalore
- Delhi
- Mumbai
- Pune

Without your generous contributions, none of these programs would have happened.
The Unrestricted Fund was also used for the ISHA programs in the United States. That included Bhandara, Meditation Workshop and a Community Meeting once every month in the Chicago area and even one in Tampa, Florida. The Unrestricted Fund also pays for the administrative costs of organizing the events as well as expenses related to the venue and food served at the events.
At Bhandara, in Menomonie, Wisconsin, Ishwar Ji blessed prashad and shared Great Master’s message with hundreds of attendees.
The year ended with a two-day Winter Event where people expressed their appreciation and gratitude for Ishwar Ji with songs and spoken words.

Thank you for you seva and support.
Best wishes for a Happy New Year.
Jonathan Rabkin
President, ISHA