Dear Friends,
The first phase of digging out the foundation for the Dome Meeting Hall is nearly done. During this phase, the goal was to excavate down to the level of the bottom of the basement wall. The hole is about 110 feet across and 10 feet deep. That’s approximately 3500 cubic yards (95,000 cubic feet) of material moved! Assuming the dirt has an average weight of 77 pounds per cubic foot, the team of sevadars has moved over 7,000,000 pounds of dirt during the last two weeks!!
During the final phase of excavation, which will happen in about two weeks, the goal will be to dig out the footers (footers are the lowermost concrete component of the foundation). This will require moving an additional 500 yards of dirt from the bottom of the hole.
Here are some panoramic photos from the final days of the excavation.

This is a view from the edge of the hole southward towards the driveway. Note the great amount of dirt that has been spread along the edge of the hill to provide a more level landscape.

With Warmest Regards,
Paul Bauer
Chair of ISHA Building & Fund-Raising Committee
Paul Bauer
Chair of ISHA Building & Fund-Raising Committee