Dear Friends,
Work continues on the ISHA Maintenance Shed on Ishwar’s dera project in Wisconsin.
Now that the concrete floor is finished, a small team of volunteer carpenters could build a staircase that allows access to the loft area in the Shed.
First step, cut some wood! And stairs require a lot of cuts!
The treads (the part of the stair that you step on) are screwed onto the three stringers (the longboards with the notched cuts).
The staircase is then hoisted into position …
… and securely attached to the rafters.
Pleased with their progress, the clever carpenters take time out to pose for a photo before attaching the other 14 treads.
The stairs are up, although, for safety reasons they can’t be used until the handrail is installed.
There’s always a need for more helpers at the dera property. If you can help, even for a few hours in the garden, or for a week at the Bonus Seva event (Sept 7-12 and Sept 17-22), please contact me at
With warmest regards,
Paul Bauer
Chair of ISHA Building & Fund-Raising Committee
Paul Bauer
Chair of ISHA Building & Fund-Raising Committee